Monday, July 14, 2008

just life is what.

Working hard!! Ten hours turned out to be more like 8, but I was still tired this morning. You know, the way the ball rolls, the way the yarn spools, I am getting a little exhausted. However!! My cafe boss promised me not to book me for work on the day that I have my cleaning job. That makes things a little easier, you bet!! And I have some days off.
Also, that Japanese coworker whom I mentioned earlier suggested that she could give me Japanese lessons in exchange for me teaching her some guitar. I've only been playing for a year, and she's been speaking for all her life, so it's not quite equal, but I wanted her to teach me anyways... so this is good. c:
Yes!! Passionately seizing the oppurtunities that present themselves!!
That is what is going through my mind at all the times.
So, you know, I will work less this week, and hopefully less next week, because I have a life I want to live you know. It'll all work out!

Anyways, yesterday my auntie's friends took us out for a bite to eat on their boat. The same ones who helped to organize my party, what kindness, right?? Yeah, it was so beautiful but though. The water, the forest, the moon...

Watching the white moon
turn from dusty bone into
Abaloney shine.

Evening boat ride...
Through time, space, infinity
Personal echoes.

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