Thursday, August 7, 2008


So, I quit my job. Don't worry though. I have another one. It pays more, I get more hours, and it's far less emotionally draining.
My old boss was a psychopathic hoe-bag >:C
Just kidding. She had an unhealthy impulse to control and a hypercritical eye, not to mention her desire to keep all staff as tense as possible.
And that's not so bad. It's when I got mad at her for contradicting herself (and me having to suffer), and she gave me a week off of work. That is plain passive aggressive behavior, she didn't speak to me even to chastise, simply took hours away from me.
Y'know, so I can get rich sitting around.
So I found a job for that week, and it was so much better I decided to stay there.
And my letter of resignation was very polite, do you know. I said the reasons for my departure were entirely economical, because she was not giving me enough hours. Just, if you were wondering why I am so vitriolic now, it's because I refrained from leaving with bitterness and childish tantrums.
The only real downside is that the area where I worked then was a hub of people. So, if I just wandered around I would always find somebody. At my new job there are far fewer regulars whom I have connected with.
So I am a little cut off, socially. But that is not so bad. Nothing that can't be overcome with diligence and action, respect and assertiveness.
The power of passion!

The cloud steps home
Sick to his stomach
Trying not to rain.

Vertical lines
If you turn your face, become
Horizontal lights

The quiet setting
Somehow, there is too much noise
Not here or there.

No ride home.
Just a ride through the night -
And the rain and the wind!

Ocean jumping
Into my arms...
Am I surprised?

Shining night seashore
Brings me forgetfulness
Of the star lit sky.

The poems were just for july, you know, so now I will not have any haiku for you. But oh well. Such is life, they say.

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