Friday, July 11, 2008


You know, just as I notice the falling back of vivid experience, newness happens again...

It was my birthday yesterday. Me and auntie went to an art gallery, a beach, a bakery, a restaurant, so nice. It all led up to the party. I was very proud of myself to have so many people scrounged up in two days. People, came and went, but it was very enjoyable.
After that, I went to the beach with some teenagers of my age. It was night, and there was fire. Initially disorienting, I found my crowd-legs, as they say, and enjoyed myself.
The night was beautiful. There were these things in the sea called "phospheresences" that glowed and sparkled if you agitated the water. And the sky was so filled with stars! At around one I walked back with my co-worker who I had come to know better over the course of the night. It is so beautiful, to walk in silence in the depth of night, tall sillhouettes of trees and expansive darkness. This is really vividness of experience, is what!

You know, walking home
In the deep-set quiet
The night seems too huge.

PS there are photos, but auntie wants me to show her how to upload them, so you will see them later.


Casey Wolf said...

so glad you had a good birthday.


sdaly said...

This is my favourite haiku so far, Harper! Spending your birthday amid such splendour is a good beginning for the rest of the year.